

In line with our Value of Generous Spirit, Woodcroft College selects a group of charities for an ongoing commitment across whole school fundraising. This group of charities is endorsed by the College and promoted by the Social Justice Ambassadors.  

Whole School

In 2024, as a whole school, Woodcroft College is partnering with the following organisations.

Collective of St Mary Magdalene – Mary Mags Dinner 
Woodcroft College staff and student volunteers will provide meals and kitchen staff for one or two Saturdays per year, helping the mission to provide an ‘Environment of Community and Acceptance’ for Adelaide’s homeless and disadvantaged. Click here to learn more about Mary Mags Dinners.  

Compassion Australia 
The College is sponsoring a child through Compassion. As a loving caring global focus community who have our “arrows facing out”, we wish to live to give and fill a need in someone else’s life. Click here learn more about Compassion Australia. 

Tjindu Foundation 
The College is supporting Tjindu Foundation which aims to create positive, long-term change for Aboriginal children in communities across Australia through cultural education and success in schooling. Click here to learn more about Tjindu Foundation.  

The Smith Family Literacy Program 
The College is supporting The Smith Family Literacy Program to help address the reading gap between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers. Each year our students also take part in The Smith Family Reading Program which pairs a child in need with an experienced and skilled ‘reading buddy’ who can support their literacy development. Click here to learn more about The Smith Family Literacy Program.  

Anglicare SA Christmas Giving Appeal: Collection Boxes 
Woodcroft College has had a long connection with Anglicare. Each year we have donation boxes available to help Australians doing it tough. Click here to learn more about Anglicare SA.  

Legacy: Remembrance Day 
Each year poppy badges, merchandise and collection cans are placed around the College to support Legacy programs for families of veterans. Click here to learn more about Legacy Remembrance Day.  

Along with whole school initiatives our ELC, Junior, Middle and Senior School students have other opportunities to raise money for charities annually or biennially.  

Junior School and ELC

Colour Explosion School Fun Run
The Junior School and ELC choose the charity each year the event is run. Charities have included Anglicare and Cancer Council along with support for projects in the Junior School and ELC. This event involves students seeking sponsorship support from their family and friends.  

Held in Term 4 (December) every second year.

Middle and Senior School

Annual activities by the Social Justice Group  
Each year the Social Justice Group will run various fundraising initiatives for Middle School and Senior School students. These can include a bake sale or sausage sizzle at staff versus student games to support the Anglicare Star Bear Loss and Grief Camps.  Click here to learn more about Anglicare Star Bear.  

Student Initiated Fundraising 
We aim to encourage and support student-led fundraising in line with our College Values. Each term students can apply to hold a fundraising activity for a registered charity at the College. One fundraiser will be approved each term. 

Contact Us

Early Learning Centre
Farnsworth Drive
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8381 0422
Email: [email protected]

Junior School: Reception to Year 6
Farnsworth Drive
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8381 0455
Email: [email protected]

Middle and Senior School: Year 7 to Year 12
Bains Road
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8322 2333
Email: [email protected]

ABN 93 970 982 732
CRICOS Provider Number 01645K